
Itineraries and Travels in Emilia-Romagna

I have always been madly in love with my land, Emilia-Romagna, a special pearl to be discovered, made of contradictions, typicalities that make everyone smile! Emilia-Romagna is large and contains everything within it. My project, ambitious I would say, is to visit and tell you about as many places as possible in Emilia-Romagna, to experience them intensely in one day, between art, history, itineraries and, obviously, cuisine.


Saludecio: Discover the Painted Village in the Rimini area

Saludecio: Discover the Painted Village in the Rimini area

Saludecio is a charming painted village in the Rimini area, famous for its stunning mural art that decorate the walls of its houses.If you’re searching for a peaceful corner of Emilia-Romagna, far from the crowds yet rich in history, art, and great food, Saludecio is...

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Where to buy Tortellini in Bologna for Christmas

Where to buy Tortellini in Bologna for Christmas

Tortellini in Bologna are a must, especially at Christmas. Bologna is filled with its most authentic scents: steaming hot broth, deliciously rich filling and velvety sheet pasta. Yes, we are talking about Tortellini, the true star of every Bolognese's Christmas table....

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Monteveglio: la perfetta gita fuori porta in Emilia-Romagna

Monteveglio: la perfetta gita fuori porta in Emilia-Romagna

Situato tra le dolci colline della Valsamoggia, proprio tra Bologna e Modena, Monteveglio è uno di quei borghi medievali piccolini che conservano intatta la loro magia, perfetto per una gita fuori porta in Emilia-Romagna.Se, come me, ami i piccoli borghi dove il...

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I portici di Bologna: esplora la città a passo lento

I portici di Bologna: esplora la città a passo lento

Alla scoperta dei portici più belli di Bologna, perfetti da esplorare a piedi. Se stai pianificando un weekend a Bologna e vuoi scoprire i suoi angoli più autentici, non puoi perderti questo tuffo nella storia attraverso i suoi famosi portici, simbolo della città e...

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The 10 Must-Do Things in Bologna: A Guide from a True Bolognese

The 10 Must-Do Things in Bologna: A Guide from a True Bolognese

The 10 Must-Do Things in Bologna: A Guide from a True Bolognese. When you’re born and raised in Bologna, you get to know it deeply. This city isn’t just a tourist destination; it’s my home, and there’s something incredibly magical about it that can’t be explained… but...

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Le Imperdibili Sagre e feste autunnali a Bologna e dintorni

Le Imperdibili Sagre e feste autunnali a Bologna e dintorni

L'autunno è un periodo speciale nei dintorni di Bologna e nei suoi dintorni, ricco di eventi e sagre che celebrano i prodotti tipici del territorio, la tradizione e la convivialità. Se sei in cerca di idee su cosa fare nei weekend autunnali, ecco una selezione delle...

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Sant’Agata Feltria, fairy tale village in Romagna

Sant’Agata Feltria, fairy tale village in Romagna

In the heart of the Romagna hinterland, surrounded by nature and rolling hills, Sant Agata Feltria is an enchanting destination. The journey to reach it winds through narrow, twisting roads, but once you arrive, the village’s charm immediately captures your heart. Its...

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What to see in Bertinoro, “The Balcony of Romagna”

What to see in Bertinoro, “The Balcony of Romagna”

Located just 15 kilometers from Forlì, in Romagna, Bertinoro is a gem perched on a hill, offering a spectacular view of the colorful plains and vineyards stretching all the way to the sea. Known as "The Balcony of Romagna," Bertinoro is celebrated not only for its...

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The Complete guide to connections for Bologna Airport

The Complete guide to connections for Bologna Airport

If you are planning a trip and intend to use Bologna’s G. Marconi Airport as your departure or arrival point, you are in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, I will provide all the information you need to reach Bologna Airport comfortably, whether from the...

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What to see in One day in the Republic of San Marino

What to see in One day in the Republic of San Marino

San Marino, nestled in the hills of Emilia-Romagna, is the oldest state in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Planning a trip to the Republic of San Marino offers a unique experience, thanks to its breathtaking beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture.The City...

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Rocchetta Mattei: the most bizarre castle in Italy

Rocchetta Mattei: the most bizarre castle in Italy

The most bizarre castle in Italy is undoubtedly Rocchetta Mattei Castle, an incredible architectural gem located near Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna.Perched on the peak of a 400-meter-high hill, halfway between Bologna and Pistoia, stands Rocchetta Mattei Castle, the...

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